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Think Yourself Happy: Five Changes in Thinking That Will Immediately Improve Your Life

by Greg Jacobson


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Could You be happier than you are right now? 
Research  has  proven that  people  who  are  happy   earn   more  money, are healthier, make fewer mistakes, have stronger, longer-lasting relationships, and live longer.
Considered one of the world's leading strategists for developing a success mindset, Greg Jacobson has taught hundreds of well-known organizations and high-performing individuals to achieve more, meet objectives faster, and become better team players.
As a highly sought-after speaker, trainer, and consultant, Greg's experience and skill sets have realized stellar results for governments, non-profits, and some of the largest companies in the world.
Think Yourself Happy is a simple, easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide, to learning the 5 simple changes in thinking that will show you how to be happier immediately. Greg's innovative approach to "Happily Achieving" is based on decades of scientific research in positive psychology.